Navigating a Crossroads

When you reach a crossroads in your life and don’t know what to do, there’s only one person who can change things and that person is you!

Raise your hand if you’ve ever been at a career or life crossroads?   

That’s a lot of hands! (My hand is also raised; you can read more about my story here)

We experience numerous crossroads moments in our lifetime. It might be a career or life transition, starting a new project or business or a challenge at home or work. These are all moments where we have to make a choice and whatever path we choose will have an impact on our life. It feels pretty overwhelming right!

Presented with different options can often trigger a paralysis - a fear of failure, of being selfish, of not being ready or not enough. You hear a little voice somewhere inside you whispering “stay in your lane” keeping you in your comfort zone, unhappy, frustrated, unfulfilled but safe!

That voice is your inner critic, the narrator in your head. When does it feel the need to speak up? Yes, you’ve guessed it, when you hit a crossroads. When you feel stuck or stretching out of your comfort zone and when you are initiating big changes in your life.

The energy of the inner critic is fear. It’s a catastrophiser that worries about risks and worst-case scenarios. It’s focused on lack and problems, is emotionally charged and anxious.

The inner critic is there to keep us from making unsafe risks and its job is to keep the status quo. However, it can also be a bit over cautious at a time when we are being called to take calculated risks. From the perspective of the inner critic, we feel limited, stunted and unable to live a truly fulfilled life.

How can you tell if you are hearing from your inner critic? You might hear it about your career, as a voice of reason, appearing to have your back. “You are not ready yet”, “You don’t know enough”, “You aren’t working hard enough” or negative self-talk about your body weight, appearance or ageing “You’re too old”, “You’re not attractive”. It may present as the voice of a critical person in your life like a parent, a bad boss or school teacher, reprimanding and highly critical “You’re stupid”, “Stop being such a show off”.

How to disarm the inner critic?

We call upon our inner wisdom, that resourceful part of you, the cheerleader inside who knows you and knows that you can succeed and provides the answers when you face problems. The inner wisdom energy is expansiveness and light. It feels grounded and can see what is needed and how best to move forward. Your inner wisdom is always there and available to you as your self-awareness grows. 

Navigating a crossroads from a positive and energetic perspective makes it easier for you to explore new possibilities and create positive changes in your life, increase your confidence and self-esteem.

If you are at a life or career crossroads right now, what voices are you listening to? The inner critic - fear and self-doubt or the inner wisdom – dreams and values.  How would it feel to make a choice from the perspective of your inner wisdom?  

What inner critic messages are you listening to that are keeping you small?

What's possible when you choose to listen to your inner wisdom?


One constant in life is change


Importance of Having a Daily Routine in Uncertain Times