Importance of Having a Daily Routine in Uncertain Times


I hear from women in my communities of their struggle to create consistency and maintain healthy habits and routines that support their emotional and physical wellness. They put a routine into place and start off committed and well intentioned. However, as the week progresses bad habits slowly creep back in and with it a sense of defeat in not being stronger and sticking to the routine.

In England we are in the midst of a second month-long lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic which isn’t going away any time soon. It’s created so much uncertainty, caused disruption to our daily routines and sense of normality and for some it’s made it harder to cope with feelings of stress and anxiety.

What’s important about having a daily routine during these uncertain times?  

Research has shown that establishing a daily routine has an important role in our mental health and general wellbeing.

When so much in our lives feels out of our control, having a structure to our day helps give back a sense of control.

Having a daily routine also helps to improve focus and productivity, establish priorities, keep track of goals and reduce procrastination.

Building in positive daily habits that prioritise self-care are helpful in reducing stress and anxiety levels. For example:

  • Scheduling in “thinking time” to stop worries or problems building up; daily journaling can be helpful to get all the stuff bothering you out of your head  

  • Staying active and getting regular exercise

  • Keeping in touch with friends and family

  • Having a good waking and sleep routine

Daily routines help creativity and it’s important to set aside time for the things you are passionate about such as painting, reading or making something. 

Creating a habit starts with an action. It takes time and effort to implement new habits and the more we replicate them, the more they become ingrained habits. To be become part of a routine it can take weeks or even months to reinforce a habit. What are the key factors to developing new success habits?

Consistency and receptiveness: The more consistent you are, the easier it will be to implement. For example, if you want to start a daily 10-minute meditation practice, set a schedule as you are more likely to follow through if you put it into your calendar and set an alert for the same time every day.  

Alignment to personal values: Understanding what’s important to you and how you are honouring your values can help to create behaviour change. You’ll be less successful if you are only doing it because of external pressures or because you think you should or have to do something.

Accountability: Having someone (a friend, family or a coach) who can help keep you accountable and motivated if you feel like quitting.

Focus on your energy: Notice your energy levels and create a schedule that works with the ebb and flow of your energy levels.   

Be kind to yourself: Don’t put extra pressure on yourself and don’t beat yourself up if you lapse from your schedule.

What supportive daily habits could you introduce to your life that support you being happier, content and more satisfied?

If you liked what you learned here and want to explore further, register for my 5-day Self-Confidence Boosting Challenge. A free 5-day mini email series to learn some simple strategies and daily exercises to help you boost your confidence at work and in life.

Every morning you’ll receive an email with a confidence boosting strategy and a small task to complete for that day. These are practical strategies that you can start doing straight away to help you boost your confidence.



Navigating a Crossroads


Bringing Your Values to Life in Uncertain Times