Work with me

Your Career by Design: Career Transition Programme

  • 1 x 1.5 hour initial coaching session via Zoom

  • 9 x 1 hour fortnightly coaching sessions via Zoom

  • Pre-coaching activity - complete self-reflection questions

  • Working through an established framework to help focus and structure your career change

  • Post coaching session insights summary email

  • Supported by an extensive range of relevant exercises and resources

  • Access to me in between sessions via WhatsApp or email to answer any questions

Are you feeling stuck in your current career but not sure how to take the first step towards something new?   

  • You’ve dabbled with online job searches; you’ve bought the courses and career change books in hope of inspiration.  Only to feel more confused and frustrated with a lack of focus and clarity on what you really want.

  • You know you want something new but you feel lost, unsure about your skillset, what will be fulfilling and enjoyable, what’s realistic and how to balance this with everything else in your life.

  • This is a 1:1 coaching programme for those committed to taking steps towards building a full picture of who they are and what they want from work and life as a whole

  • Over 4-5 months we work through an established framework to take you from feeling lost to clarity, focus and action 

  • Discover what you really want, what’s important to you and what you really want from your work (not what you think you “should” or “could” do)

  • You’ll understand what motivates you and your purpose, get clear on your values, strengths, talents, skills that are transferable and what you need to develop 

  • Identify your work preferences, we identify your ideal working day, organisation and environment

  •  I’ll give you the tools to deal with any fears and doubts about your abilities, and help you develop positive, build resilience and increase your self-confidence.

  • Build an Ideas Bank: this is a creative and liberating process, involving everything from your previous profession and fully formed ideas you’ve sat with for ages, or the “crazy” ideas that keep coming back and won’t go away​

  • We’ll explore career possibilities and the options that interest you and you’ll make a plan for how to create it and make it a reality

  • Thought provoking exercises and templates to capture your key learnings from the coaching sessions and helps to bring out your creativity and resourcefulness and direct it towards discovering the right next step for your working life


Option to pay in two instalments

Life coaching for your career

  • Pre-coaching activity and goal setting exercise

  • 1 x two-hour Discovery coaching session and 4 x 60-minute coaching sessions via Zoom

  • Sessions are scheduled on a weekly or fortnightly basis.

  • Post Coaching Session #1 - insights summary

  • Supported by relevant homework, exercises and resources

  • Accountability support by email, WhatsApp in-between the sessions


Option to pay in

two instalments

Are you at a transitional point in your career and your current work no longer fits the stage of life you are in. It might be that

  • You’ve outgrown your current work environment are ready for a new challenge 

  • Perhaps you are experiencing a period of significant change in your personal life which is showing up in your work life. 

  • Maybe you no longer feel like you belong and is impacting your confidence and self-esteem.

  • Or you want a sounding board, focus and accountability to help you take action

Though 1:1 coaching, I’ll help you

  • Create the space to help you think differently and make positive changes to your working life

  • Reconnect you to your passions, dreams and purpose

  • Give you the tools to help you develop positive beliefs, build resilience and increase your self-confidence

  • Choose and set boundaries which prioritise you, your energy and happiness

  • Stay accountable to take actionable steps towards achieving your goals

  • The agenda each session is yours and we work on the areas in your professional and personal life where you are feeling stuck and want to make progress .